Business Breakthrough Workshop
Your business’s biggest constraint may be you. Oof. That’s not the best way to start this out, but it’s true.
I remember hearing those words years ago; they stepped on my toes and made my head spin.
Not because I thought I was the entire system’s problem but because I had the ability as the leader to do something about it and create a flourishing culture for my team. The same is true of you, too!
In this workshop, attendees remarked on things like:
Realizing an unspoken core value created such strong tension that the leader was considering terminating the employee—until the leader realized it was an assumed value that mattered to them but hadn’t shared. This altered the team dynamic.
They grew beyond their rate of processes and expected grace from team members, especially new ones, rather than focusing on investing in their team’s success to train and retain core team members.
Needing to nurture remote employee relationships rather than make assumptions about their availability.
In this workshop, we will:
Take an assessment to determine areas of constraint or breakdown in our businesses.
Talk through the 7Ps of your businesses (people, processes, purpose, profit, plan, pain, and position) and create a plan to engage your weakest areas and celebrate your strongest.
Zoom out to see how it’s affecting your team and others around us (strategic partners, community, etc.)
Discuss strategic implementation and deployment.
Network with other business leaders, discuss areas of concern and grow together.
You’ll walk away with practical steps to begin engaging as you leave the workshop. You’ll also have tools to continue the conversation with your team and sync up expectations.
Space is limited to 12 leaders to allow dialog and facilitated problem-solving for each attendee. There’s value in the perspective of peers and a collaborative environment.
Space is limited. Register here!
Friday, February 7, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Hosted a few minutes outside of New Braunfels off 2722 (address and details to come with registration). It’s a beautiful property that allows you to step away from the stress of the office and breathe.
Registration Fee: $297 includes workshop and materials, lunch, snacks, and coffee.
This specific workshop includes an optional 1-hour follow-up strategy session with Whitney after the workshop to continue the momentum and implementation with your team.
Submit the form below if registration is full and we’ll reach out to let you know about future retreats.